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June 3, 2024

Daniel Ventura's Big Leg Workout

Looking for a challenging workout? Check out this big leg workout from WBFF Pro Dan Ventura!

Read time: 12 minutes

Warm Up

10 - 20 Minutes

Begin with a thorough warm-up to prepare your body for the intense leg workout. This can include light cardio such as jogging, cycling, or dynamic stretching focusing on the legs and lower body to increase blood flow and reduce the risk of injury.

Perform 1A to 1E one after each other without rest.

1A: Isometric Squat

1 Set / 45 Seconds / No Rest

How to Perform:

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

Lower into a squat position and hold your thighs parallel to the ground.

Ensure your knees don't go past your toes.

Hold this position for 45 seconds.


Engage your core and keep your chest up to maintain balance.

1B: Barre Squats

1 Set / 45 Seconds / No Rest

How to Perform:

Similar to a standard squat but with feet wider than shoulder-width and toes pointed outwards.

Squat down, keeping your back straight, then rise back up.

Repeat for 45 seconds.


Imagine sliding your back down a wall to maintain form.

1C: Barre Squats with Jump Squats

1 Set / 45 Seconds / No Rest

How to Perform:

Perform a barre squat, then jump up from the bottom.

Land softly and immediately lower into another barre squat.

Continue for 45 seconds.


Use your arms for momentum and ensure a soft landing to protect your joints.

1D: Isometric Squat with Jump Squat

1 Set / 45 Seconds / No Rest

How to Perform:

Start in an isometric squat hold.

After holding for a few seconds, perform a jump squat.

Return to the isometric hold, then repeat the sequence for 45 seconds.


Focus on explosive power during the jump and stability during the hold.

1E: Eccentric Squat

1 Set / 45 Seconds / No Rest

How to Perform:

Focus on the lowering phase of the squat.

Take 3-4 seconds to lower yourself into a deep squat, then return to the starting position more quickly.

Repeat for 45 seconds.


Control the descent to maximize muscle engagement.

Perform 10 reps of each exercise 2A to 2C, one after each, with no rest—that completes one set. Rest for 60-120 seconds, then perform 9 reps of each exercise. Keep lowering the reps by 1 each until you have performed 10 sets.

2A: Back Squat

10 Sets / 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Reps / No Rest

How to Perform:

Squat down by bending hips back while allowing knees to bend forward, keeping back straight and knees pointed in the same direction as feet.

Descend until knees and hips are fully bent.

Extend knees and hips until legs are straight.

Return and repeat.


Keep your core tight and focus on depth and form over speed.

2B: Front Squat

10 Sets / 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Reps / No Rest

How to Perform:

Squat down by bending hips back while allowing knees to bend forward, keeping back straight and knees pointed in the same direction as feet.

Descend until thighs are just past parallel.

Extend knees and hips until legs are straight.

Return and repeat.


Elbows should be high throughout the movement.

2C: Hack Squat

10 Sets / 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Reps / 60-120 Sec Rest

How to Perform:

Lift the bar by extending hips and knees to full extension.

Squat down by bending hips back while allowing knees to bend forward, keeping back straight and knees pointed in the same direction as feet.

Descend until the thighs are close to parallel to the floor and the bar is behind the lower leg.



This exercise requires balance and concentration on the posterior chain (glutes and hamstrings).


Each of Daniel Ventura's Big Leg Workout exercises is designed to challenge your leg muscles from different angles and intensities. Remember, proper form is crucial for effectiveness and injury prevention. So, adjust weights as necessary to maintain control and form throughout each movement. Also, stay hydrated, rest adequately between workouts, and combine this routine with a balanced diet for the best results.

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Written by Matthew Stogdon

Matt is a seasoned writer with 20 years of experience, leveraging understanding of fitness as a former rugby player and his insight from covering contact sports.


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